Captcha Error
Captcha is not correct !
LoginId Error
User Id does not exist! Kindly enter valid loginId
Password Error
You have entered password more than Fifty times.User access is Blocked, Please contact System Administrator!
Lock Error
User access is Blocked, Please contact System Administrator!
Password Error
Password is incorrect! Kindly enter valid Password
Login Error
Invalid LoginId or Password!
Password Error
This would be your last attempt, your account will be locked if unsuccessful!
Network Error
Some error has occured?Please try after some time
Forgot Your Password ?
Password Assistance

Enter the Login Id associated with your BSBY account, then click Continue. OTP will be send on your Register mobile number.

Login ID
Mobile OTP Verification

Please enter One-Time-Password (OTP) for change password.
Your OTP for new password has been sent on XXXXXX, in case you don't get your OTP or changed your number please contact to system admin on contact number 0141 - 2643814-15

Change Password Request

Please enter new Password

New Password
Confirm Password
Your Password Successfully Changed
Your Password not changed Please try Again
Alert !
Please enter valid login Id
Alert !!
Please insert valid OTP
Alert !!
Your mobile number is invalid/ not entered in system please contact to system admin on contact number 0141 - 2643814-15
Alert !!!
Please insert both Password same
Contact Rajasthan Sampark helpline at 1800 - 180 - 6127 or for login issues 0141 - 2643814-15
मुख्यमंत्री आयुष्मान आरोग्य योजना दिशा निर्देश click here
पूर्व पंजीकरण की प्रकिया
Copyright © 2015 Department of Medical, Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Rajasthan. All Rights Reserved.
Contact Rajasthan Sampark helpline at 1800 - 180 - 6127 or for login issues 0141 - 2643814-15
मुख्यमंत्री आयुष्मान आरोग्य योजना दिशा निर्देश